Background Building “Exploration”

What is “Exploration?”

Pictures of exploring to get you thinking…

explore 1explore 2explore 3explore 4

Where are some places that you have explored?

What are some things you’ve discovered?

If you discovered something or somewhere new, what do you think it would be?

Some synonyms of explore:  discover and search

Can you think of other ways to explain what it means “to explore”?

Background Building “KINDNESS”

What is “kindness”?

Pictures to get you thinking….

kindness 4kindness 3kindness 2kindness 1

What are some acts of kindness someone has done for you?

What are some acts of kindness you have done?

Just a few synonyms of kind:  nice, friendly, gentle, and caring.  

Can you think of more?

At the end of this unit, we will create our own page under “Children’s Summary” about what we think kindness is.  It will show what have we learned.  So…START thinking.  START LEARNING!


Math Connects Chapter 15

Chapter 15- Model Multiplication and Division


15-1 Multiplication Stories:  I can model and create multiplication stories.

arraysVocabulary:  Multiplication:  to find the product.

15-2 Equal Groups:  I can model skip counting to find the total in equal groups.

Vocabulary:  Equal groups:  each group has the same number of objects.

15-3 PSS: Draw a Picture:  I can use draw a picture as a strategy to solve problems.

15-4 Repeated Addition:  I can add and multiply equal groups.

Vocabulary:  Multiplication sentence:  a math sentence that has the time sign in it.

array15-5 Arrays:  I can use arrays to multiply.

Arrays:  pictorial representation of multiplication.

15-6 Division Stories:  I can model and create division stories.

Division:  to separate into equal groups.

15-7 Find Equal Groups:  I can divide to make equal groups.

Division sentence:  a math sentence that has the division sign in it.

15-8 PSS: Choose a Strategy:   I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects Chapter 14

Chapter 14- Solve Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction Problems


14-1 Add Hundreds:  I can use basic facts and mental math to add hundreds.

14-2 Regroup Ones:  I can find the sum of two three-digit numbers, regrouping ones.

14-3 Regroup Tens:  I can add three-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

14-4 PSS: Make a Table:  I can use make a table as a strategy to solve problems.hundreds add

14-5 Estimate Sums:  I can estimate the sum of three-digit addends by rounding.

14-6 Subtract Hundreds:  I can use basic facts and mental math to subtract hundreds.

14-7 Regroup Tens:  I can regroup tens to subtract three-digit numbers.

14-8 Regroup Hundreds:  I can regroup hundreds to subtract three-digit numbers.

14-9 Estimate Differences:  I can estimate the difference of three-digit numbers by rounding.

14-10 PSS: Choose a Strategy:   I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects Chapter 13

Chapter 13- Measure Capacity and Weight


13-1 Capacity: Nonstandard Units:  I can select and use nonstandard units to measure capacity.

Vocabulary:  Capacity:  the amount of dry or liquid material a container can hold.

Helpful lil' guy!

Helpful lil’ guy!

13-2 Cups and Gallons:  I can recognize and use models that approximate cups and gallons.

Vocabulary:  Cup:  a unit to measure capacity or how much something holds.  1 cup =8 ounces.  Gallon:  a liquid measure of capacity.  1 gallon= 4 quarts.

13-3 PSS: Act It Out:  I can use act it out as a strategy to solve problems.

13-4 Milliliters and Liters:  I can recognize and use models that approximate milliliters and liters.

Vocabulary:  Liter:  a metric unit of measure for volume or capacity.  1 liter =1000 milliliters.  Milliliter:  a metric unit used for measuring capacity.  1000 milliliters= 1 liter.

13-5 Weight: Nonstandard Units:  I can use nonstandard units to find weight.

Vocabulary:  Weight:  a measurement that tells how heavy an object is.

measurement13-6 Ounces and Pounds:  I can recognize and use models that approximate ounces and pounds.

Vocabulary:  Ounces:  a customary unit for measuring weight or capacity.  One CD weighs about 1 ounce.  Pound:  a customary unit for measuring weight or mass.  1 pound = 16 ounces.

13-7 Grams and Kilograms:  I can recognize and use models that approximate grams and kilograms.

Vocabulary:  Gram:  a metric unit for measuring mass.  Kilogram:  a metric unit for measuring mass.  1 kilogram= pair of men’s shoes.

13-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects Chapter 12

Chapter 12- Measure Length and Area


Nonstandard ways to measure

Nonstandard ways to measure

12-1 Nonstandard Units:  I can measure lengths using nonstandard units.

Vocabulary:  Nonstandard unit:  objects such as blocks, paper clips, crayons, and pencils that can be used to measure.  Measure:  to find the length, height, weight, capacity, or temperature using standard or nonstandard units.  Length:  how long or how far something is.

12-2 Measure Inches Using Models:  I can measure length using models that approximate inches.

Vocabulary:  Inch:  a customary unit for measuring length and height.  12 inches=1 foot.

12-3 PSS: Guess and Check:  I can use guess and check as a strategy to solve problems.

Comparing centimeters to inches

Comparing centimeters to inches

12-4 Use an Inch Ruler:  I can estimate and measure length using an inch ruler.

12-5 Measure Centimeters Using Models:  I can measure length using models that approximate centimeters.

Vocabulary:  Centimeter:  a metric unit of measurement used to find lengths and heights.

12-6 Use a Centimeter Ruler:  I can estimate and measure length using a centimeter ruler.

Dice, a marker, and graphing paper make a great game to understand area!

Dice, a marker, and graphing paper make a great game to understand area!

12-7 Understanding Area:  I can determine the area of a two-dimensional surface.

Vocabulary:  Area:  the space inside a shape or figure.

12-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects Chapter 11

Chapter 11- Understand Geometric Figures and Spatial Reasoning


3D figures

click to enlarge

11-1 Three-Dimensional Figures:  I can identify three dimensional geometric figures.

Vocabulary:  Three-dimension figure:  a solid figure with length, width, and height.  Sphere:  a solid figure that has the shape of a round ball.  Pyramid:  a solid figure with a square base and triangular shaped faces.  Cube:  a 3-dimensional figure in which every face is a square and every edge has the same length.  Rectangular prism:  a 3-dimensional figure with faces that are rectangles.  Cone:  a 3-dimensional figure that narrows to a point from a circular base.  Cylinder:  a solid figure shaped like a can.

11-2 Faces, Edges, and Vertices:  I can describe the faces, edges, and vertices of three-dimensional figures.

Vocabulary:  Face:  the flat part of a 3 dimensional figure.  Edge:  the line where two sides or faces meet.  Vertex (vertices):  a point on a 2- or 3-dimensional figure where two or more edges meet together.

2d figures

click to enlarge

11-3 Two-Dimensional Figures:  I can identify two-dimensional geometric figures.

Vocabulary:  Two-dimension figure:  a plane figure with only length and width.  Parallelogram:  a figure that has four sides.  Each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel.  Hexagon:  a figure that has six sides.  Trapezoid:  a four-sided figure with only two opposite sides the same length.

11-4 PSS: Look for a Pattern:  I can use look for a pattern as a strategy to solve problems.

11-5 Sides and Vertices:  I can describe two dimensional figures using sides and vertices.

Vocabulary:  Side:  one of the line segments that make up a figure.

11-6 Compare Figures:  I can compare two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional figures.

11-7 Make New Figures:  I can put figures together to form new figures and take figures apart to make new figures.

11-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

11-9 Locate Point on a Number Line:  I can use whole numbers to locate and name points on a number line.

candy coordinates

click to enlarge

11-10 Coordinate Graphs:  I can use a coordinate graph to locate objects.

Vocabulary:  Coordinate graph:  a graph with points to show data.

Math Connects 10

Chapter 10- Hundreds


10-1 Hundred:  I can relate hundreds, tens, and ones.

Vocabulary:  Hundreds:  the numbers 100-999.  Also, a number place.  Example:  In the number 234, 2 is in the hundreds place which means there are 2 hundreds in this number.

10-2 Hundreds, Tens, and Ones:  I can read, write, and model numbers to 1,000.

make a list10-3 PSS: Make a List:  I can use make a list as a strategy to solve problems.

10-4 Place Value to 1,000:  I can identify and use words, models, and expanded form to represent numbers to 1,000.

expanded formVocabulary:  Expanded form:  the representation of a number as a sum that shows the value of each digit.  Example:  536 can be written 500+30+6.

10-5 Read and Write Numbers to 1,000:  I can read and write numbers to 1,000.

Vocabulary:  Thousand:  a place value of a number.  For example, in 1,253, the 1 in in the thousands place.

10-6 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

10-7 Compare Numbers:  I can compare three-digit numbers using <, >, and =.

10-8 Order Numbers:  I can us place value to order three-digit numbers.

10-9 Number Patterns:  I can use number patterns to help you count.

Math Connects Chapter 9

Chapter 9- Model Fractions


9-1 Unit Fractions:  I can identify equal parts of a whole from ½  to 1/12 .

Vocabulary:  Fraction:  a name for equal parts of a whole.  Equal parts: pieces that are the same size.   Whole:  a complete shape. Unit fraction: a fraction with 1 as the numerator (on top J).


This shows wholes and unit fractions. 4/4= 1 whole.
1/5 is not colored in, that is a unit fraction.

9-2 Other Fractions:  I can identify and name fractions with more than one equal part.

9-3 PSS: Draw a Picture:  I can use draw a picture as a strategy to solve problems.

9-4 Fractions Equal to 1:  I can identify fractions that show one whole.

9-5 Compare Fractions:  I can compare unit fractions using symbols.

9-6 Unit Fractions of a Group:  I can identify and write fractions that represent part of a group or set.

Vocabulary: Group:  A gathering of objects or living things.

9-7 Other Fractions of a Group:  I can identify and name fractions with more than one equal part of a group or set.

9-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.