3-3 Jalapeno Bagels

Title:  3-3  Jalapeño Bagels  by: Natasha Wing

Inside Barbari Bakery
Photo Credit: Kamyar Adl via Compfight

Summary:  In this realistic fictional story, a young boy is trying to decide what to bring to school for a celebration to show his culture.  His parents own a bakery.  His father is Jewish and would love him to bring lox and bagels.  His mother would like him to bring some lovely Mexican pan fino or other sweet breads to represent her side of the family.  The young man (and the reader) gets to see many aspects of how a bakery is run…and gets to see how the boy solves his dilemma.  CLICK HERE to watch a video on how bagels are made.

Spelling Words:  Words spelled with long /o/ and long /i/.

Words:  dry, tie, fight, why, tow, soap, below, bike, cone, oak.

Challenge Words:  July, twilight, shallow, cocoa, thigh.

How bagels are made.

How bagels are made.

Bagel with lox.

Bagel with lox.


Pan Fino.  Mexican fine bread.

Pan Fino. Mexican fine bread.

Vocabulary Words: 

Culture (n):  the customs and beliefs of a group of people.    International (adj):  having to do with two or more nations.  Ingredients (n):  parts that go into a mixture.  Dough (n):  a mixture of flour, liquid, and other things that is usually baked.  Jalapeño (n):  a small hot pepper.

Grammar Concept:  I can identify where commas go in a series.  Commas separate items listed in a series.  They help distinguish each item or person in a group.  They also help a reader know where to pause when reading.   Wrong:  My pets include a dog cat gerbil and fish.  What is a “dog cat gerbil”?  Yikes!  Correct:  My pets include a dog, cat, gerbil, and fish.

commas in a series

3-2 In The Money: A Book About Banking

Title:  3-2  In the Money: A Book About Banking 

by: Nancy Loewen

Trinity Place - Entrance
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Zagat Buzz via Compfight

Summary:  Another child gets to have a day on the job with his parent.  This time, a little boy goes to work with his mother who is an loan officer at the bank.  As we read, we learn about the Federal Reserve, loans, vaults, ATMs, tellers, and more practical information your child can use as they interact with banks in the community.  This is an expository text piece written in a way your child can understand.  Short and simplified video on how banks work.

Spelling Words:  Long /o/ spelled ow, oa, o and o_e.

Words:  store, loan, grow, boat, know, toad, blow, coat, hello, show.

Challenge Words:  borrow, coast, below, robot, owe.

Vocabulary Words: 

Vault (n):  a room or compartment that is used to store money or other things of value.    Withdrawal (n):  money taken out of a bank account.  Borrow (v):  to receive something with the understanding that it must be given back.  Employees (n):  people who works for a person or business for pay.  Deposits (n):  money added to a bank account.

Grammar Concept:  I can identify the correct words to capitalize.  We are reviewing when to capitalize, mainly focusing on days, months, cities, and states.  Review M.I.N.T.S. with your child and they will do great!

M= Months of the year

I=  the word “I” and initials

N=  Names of specific places, people, states, countries, or businesses.

T= Titles of books, movies, stories, and more…

S= Start of every sentence.

3-1 Red Light, Green Light, Mama, and Me

Title:  3-1  Red Light, Green Light, Mama and Me  by: Carl Best


Summary:  A little girl goes with her mama to work at the public library.  She gets to discover all the jobs of the people along the way, the workers at the library, and gets a special job of her own to do.  This is a realistic fiction piece meant to give your child a new insight not only into the library, but into their community.

Spelling Words:  Long /i/ spelled igh, y, ie, i, and i_e.

Words:  pie, night, fly, pile, child, right, shy, lie, mice, try.

Challenge Words:  recognize, skyscraper, style, knight, mighty.

three pigs

Vocabulary Words: 

Practice (v):  to do something over and over to gain skill.    Public (adj):  for all the people.  Recognize (v):  to know and remember from before.  Automatically (adv):  working by itself.  Perch (v) to stand, sit, or rest on a raised place.

Grammar Concept:  I can identify articles in a sentence.  I can identify comparative and superlative adjectives.  Articles are a special type of adjective.  There are only three:  a, an, the.  Comparative adjectives compare two nouns, while superlative adjectives compare three or more.   He is smaller than she is.   He ate the biggest apple of all.


Math Connects 2nd Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Model Two-Digit Addition


5-1 Add Tens:  I can use mental math and basic facts to add tens.

5-2 Count On Tens and Ones:  I can count on by tens and ones to add.

5-3 PSS: Work Backward:  I can use the work backward strategy to solve problems

Regrouping worksheet- click to enlarge and solve.

5-4 Regroup Ones as Tens:  I can regroup 10 ones as 1 ten.

Vocabulary:  Regroup:  to take apart a number to write it in a new way.

5-5 Add One-Digit Numbers and Two-Digit Numbers:  I can add one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

5-6 Add Two-Digit Number:  I can add two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

5-7 Estimate Sums:  I can estimate the sum of two-digit addends by rounding.

Rounding hundreds chart. Helps show to round up or down.

Rounding hundreds chart.
Helps show to round up or down.

Vocabulary:  Round:  to change the value of a number to one that is easier to work with.

5-8 Add Three Two-Digit Numbers:  I can add three two digit numbers.

5-9 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects 2nd Chapter 4

Chapter 4- Organize and Use Data Summary 4-1 Take a Survey:  I can use tally marks in a survey.  I can use and compare data. Vocabulary:  Survey:  collect data by asking people the same questions.  Tally marks: a mark used to record data collected in a survey.  Data:  information collected from a survey or experiment. 4-2 Picture Graphs:  I can make, read, and use data in a picture graph.

picture graph...click to enlarge and solve!

picture graph…click to enlarge and solve!

Vocabulary:  Picture graph:  a graph that has different pictures to show information collected.  Symbol:  something that stands for something else.  Example + is the symbol for addition.  Key:  tells what or how many each symbol stand for.

4-3 Analyze Picture Graphs:  I can draw conclusions and analyze questions based on picture graphs.

4-4 PSS: Make a Table:  I can use the make a table strategy to solve problems.

4-5 Bar Graphs:  I can make, read, and use data in a bar graph.

Vocabulary:  Bar graph:  a graph that uses bars to show data.

4-6 Analyze Bar Graphs:  I can draw conclusions and answer questions based on bar graphs.

4-7 Describe Events:  I can describe events as more likely or less likely to occur.

Bar graph--click and solve.  Which pet do the children like most?

Bar graph–click and solve.
Which pet do the children like most?

Vocabulary:  More likely:  an event that will probably happen.  Less likely:  an event that will probably not happen.

4-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects 2nd Chapter 3

Chapter 3- Apply Subtraction Concepts


3-1 Count Back to Subtract:  I can count back to find the difference.

fact familyVocabulary:  Count back:  on a number line with numbers, count from a higher number to a lower number.  Subtract:  to take away.  Difference:  the answer to a subtraction problem.

3-2 Subtract All and Subtract Zero:  I can subtract all or none to find the difference.

3-3 Use Doubles to Subtract:  I can use doubles facts to find the difference.

3-4 PSS: Guess and Check:  I can use guess and check to solve problems.

3-5 Relate Addition to Subtraction:  I can subtract from numbers through 20 using addition.   I can identify and write different ways to name the same number.

Vocabulary:  Related facts:  a collection of 3 numbers that make up addition and subtraction facts.  Inverse:  operations that undo each other.

Missing addend3-6 Missing Addend:  I can find the missing number in addition and subtraction sentences.

Vocabulary:  Missing Addend:  a number that is absent from an addition sentence.

3-7 Fact Families:  I can identify and write fact families.

Vocabulary:  Fact Family:  a group of related facts.

3-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects 2nd Chapter 2

Chapter 2- Apply Addition Concepts


Click to enlarge


2-1 Addition Properties:  I can use the Commutative Property and the Zero Property to find sums.

Vocabulary:  Add:  to join together to find the total or sum.  Addends:  any number or quantities being added together.  Sum:  the answer when you add numbers.

2-2 Count On to Add:  I can use a number line to count on when adding.

Vocabulary:  Count On:  start at a number on a number line and count up.

2-3 PSS: Act It Out:  I can use the act it out strategy to solve problems.

2-4 Doubles:  I can use doubles facts to solve problems.

Vocabulary:  Doubles:  two addends or quantities being added.

2-5 Near Doubles:  I can use doubles facts to find other sums.

Make a 102-6 Make a 10:  I can make a 10 to solve addition problems.

2-7 Add Three Numbers:  I can group addends differently to make the same sum.

2-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects 2nd Chapter 1

Chapter 1-Using Place Values to 100 and Patterns


Hundreds Chart– Click to enlarge



1-1 Tens and Ones:  I can count, read, and write tens and ones.

Vocabulary:  Ones:  a place value of a number.  Example:  In the number 23, the 3 is in the ones place.  This number has 3 ones.  Tens:  a place value of a number.  Example:  In the number 23, the 2 is in the tens place.  This number has 2 tens.

1-2 Place Value to 100:  I can use models of tens and ones to show numbers to 100.

Vocabulary:  Digit:  a symbol use to write numbers (there are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and, 9).  Place Value:  value given to a digit by its place in a number.      For example, in the number 46, the 4 is in the tens place… so it isn’t just a 4… it is 4 tens which means it has the value of 40.

Place Value Chart

Place Value Chart– Click to Enlarge

1-3 Use Logical Reasoning:  I can use logical reasoning to solve problems.

1-4 Read and Write Numbers:  I can read and write numbers to 100.

1-5 Estimate Amounts:  I can estimate amounts to 100.

Vocabulary:  Estimate:  finding a number close to an exact amount.

1-6 Order Numbers:  I can order numbers to 100.

Vocabulary:  Number line:  a line with numbers on it often used in math.  Before:  on a number line (5,6,7)  6 is before 7.   After:   to follow in place or time.   Between:  on a number line, (48, 49, 50)  49 is between 48 and 50.

1-7 Compare Numbers:  I can compare numbers to 100.

Vocabulary:  Compare:  seeing how numbers are alike and different.  Is greater than >:  the number on the left side of the symbol is greater or larger than the number on the right.   Is less than <:  the number on the left side of the symbol is less than or smaller than the number on the right. Is equal to =:  both numbers have the same value on either side of the symbol.

1-8 Patterns:  I can create and use patterns to solve problems.

Vocabulary:  Pattern:  is an order that a set of objects or numbers follows over and over or how a set grows.

1-9 Choose a strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve a problem.

1-10 Patterns on a Hundred Chart:  I can create and use patterns on a hundred chart to solve problems.

Vocabulary:  Skip Count:  counting objects in equal groups or multiples of two or more.

2-5 Tell Me, Tree

Title:  2-5  Tell Me, Tree  by: Gail Gibbons

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Philippa Willitts via Compfight

Summary:  Another expository text about how trees grow, types of trees, various of seeds, bark, and how wood is used.  This story is full of lots of interesting information about this renewable resource.

tree seedsSpelling Words:  Words with long /e/ spelled ie, y, ee, ea, e, and e_e.  /s/ spelled ce and ci.  /j/ spelled ge and gi.

Words:  very, germ, cell, civil, chief, funny, thief, rigid, baby, brief.

Challenge Words:  grieve, cancel.

Vocabulary Words: 


great picture to label parts of a tree.

great picture to label parts of a tree.

Trunk (n):  the main part of the tree where branches grow out of.    Limb (n):  a branch of a tree.  Stem (n):  the main part of a plant.  Minerals (n):   something found underground and used as food for plants to grow in soil.  Sprouts (v):  begins to grow.

Grammar Concept:  I can identify singular and plural nouns.  A singular noun names one while a plural noun names more than one.  Singular:  cow, hat, horse.   Plural (-s or –es):  cows, hats, horses.   Some rules that need to be followed when adding the –s or –es:

*Most nouns add –s to form the plural form.  (star—stars)

* Some nouns add –es.  These include words ending in:  s, x, z, ss, ch, or sh.  (box—boxes)

* Nouns ending in y should be changed to i and then add the –es.  (baby—babies)

* Nouns ending in f or fe change to v before adding the –es or –s.  (elf—elves or knife—knives)

* Some nouns are special and change the whole word to something different.  (person—people)

This is very useful!

This is very useful!

2-4 Birdhouse for Rent

Title:  2-4  Birdhouse for Rent  by: Harriet Ziefert

Photo Credit: the1pony via Compfight

Summary:  In this story, we explore the ‘life’ of a birdhouse.  We see several different occupants come and go as tenants including wasps, squirrels, and birds.


Spelling Words:  Words spelled with /s/ sound spelled ce and ci.  /j/ spelled ge and gi.

Words:  age, peace, pencil, magic, ice, digit, face, gem, city, large.

Challenge Words:  piece, gentle, tragic, century, excite.

Vocabulary Words: 

Rent (n):  a regular payment for the right to use equipment or property that belongs to someone else.    Deserted (v):  to have left something behind.  Vacant (adj):  empty.  Tenant (n):  one who lives in or on another person’s property.  Examine (v):  to look at closely and carefully.

articlesGrammar Concept:  I can identify an adjective and articles in a sentence.  An adjective is a word that describes a noun and tells how much, how many, or what kind.  Articles are special kinds of adjectives.  There are three articles:  a, an, and the.     A yellow duck swam in the big pond.