Math Connects Chapter 8

Chapter 8- Measure Time and Temperature


temperature-hot-cold-physical-science8-1 Read Temperature:  I can estimate temperature and read a thermometer.

Vocabulary:  Temperature:  a measure of how hot or cold something is.  Thermometer: a tool that measures how hot or cold something is.   Degree Fahrenheit (F*):  a customary unit for measuring temperature.

8-2 Estimate Time:  I can estimate and measure time.

Vocabulary:  Second:  a brief unit of time.  Sneezing takes about 1 second.  Minute: a unit used to measure time.  1 minute=60 seconds.  Hour:  a unit of time.  1 hour= 60 minutes.

8-3 Time to the Hour and Half Hour:  I can use a clock to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Vocabulary:  Half hour:  one half of an hour; 30 minutes.  Sometimes called half past or half past the hour.

8-4 PSS: Look for a Pattern:  I can use look for a pattern as a strategy to solve problems.

time8-5 Time to the Quarter Hour:  I can tell time to the quarter hour.

Vocabulary:  Quarter hour:  One-fourth of an hour or 15 minutes.  Sometimes called quarter after or quarter to the hour.

8-6 Time to Five-Minute Intervals:  I can skip count by fives to tell time.

8-7 Thermometer to Gather Data:  I can use a thermometer to gather temperature data.

8-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

Math Connects Chapter 7

Chapter 7- Determine the Value of Money


Coins7-1 Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes:  I can skip count to find the value of a group of coins.

Vocabulary:  Cent:  $0.01, 1¢, or 1 penny.  Penny: one cent, $0.01, or 1¢.   Nickel:  $0.05, 5 cents, or 5¢. Dime:  $0.10 or 1¢, or 10 cents.

7-2 Quarters and Half-Dollars:  I can identify a quarter and half-dollar; skip count to find the value of a group of coins.

Vocabulary:  Quarter:  $0.25, 25¢, or 25 cents.  Half-dollar: $0.50, 50¢, or 50 cents.

7-3 Count Coins:  I can skip count to find the value of a group of coins.

7-4 PSS: Act It Out:  I can use act it out as a strategy to solve problems.

7-5 Dollar:  I can identify coin combinations that equal to one dollar.

Vocabulary:  Dollar:  $1.00, 100¢, or 100 cents.  Dollar sign: a mark to indicate money ($).  Decimal point:  a point used in a number.  Example:  $2.95

7-6 Add Money:  I can add money amounts.

7-7 Check Money:  I can subtract money amounts.

6-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

6-9 Estimate Differences:  I can estimate differences by rounding to the nearest tens.

Math Connects Chapter 6

Chapter 6- Model Two-Digit Subtraction


Great poem to help remember when to regroup.

Great poem to help remember when to regroup.

6-1 Subtract Tens:  I can use mental math and basic facts to subtract tens.

6-2 Count Back Tens and Ones:  I can count back by tens and ones to subtract.

6-3 Regroup Tens as Ones:  I can understand numbers with and without regrouping.

6-4 PSS: Write a Number Sentence:  I can use write a number sentence as a strategy to solve problems.

6-5 Subtract One-Digit Numbers from Two-Digit Numbers:  I can subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

6-6 Subtract Two-Digit Number:  I can subtract two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

6-7 Check Subtraction:  I can check my subtraction by using addition.

6-8 PSS:  Choose a Strategy:  I can choose the best strategy to solve problems.

6-9 Estimate Differences:  I can estimate differences by rounding to the nearest tens.

6-5 Cesar E. Chavez

Title:  6-5  Cesar E. Chavez  by: Don McLeese

happy Cesar Chavez Day! (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Middle School, Girard between Bacon/Burrows)
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: throgers via Compfight

Summary:  In this biography, we learn about Cesar Chavez, another human rights leader.  His parents came to America to make a better life for themselves.  He was born to poor farm workers, moving from school to school, and watching his parents struggle.   As he grew, he was forced to drop out of school in order to help support his family.  He began to fight for farm worker’s rights.  He led strikes against owners in order to ask for fair wages for himself and others.    He formed a huge union, asked for boycotts, and changed right for many people.

Spelling Words:  Review lessons 6:1-4.

Words:  law, low, boot, book, doom, door, allow, arrow, string, spring.

Challenge Words:  describe, strict.

Vocabulary Words: 

Treated (v)  to behave toward or deal with in a certain way.    Border (n):  a line where one country or another area ends and another begins.   Weakened (v):  to grow less strong.  Strike (v): to stop working in order to get better pay and working conditions.  Union (n):  a group of workers who join together to get better pay and working conditions.  Boycott (v):  to refuse to buy something until workers are treated better.  Crops (n):  fruits, vegetables, or other plants that are grown on a farm and sold.  Awarded (v): to give a prize.

adverbsGrammar Concept:  I can use proper punctuation when writing a letter.  I can identify an adverb and what it does.  When writing a letter, introductions and closings should be capitalized.  Commas should be placed in the proper place.  Dear Aunt Sally,   TEXT   Love, Maria    Adverbs clarify how, when, and where.  My dog jumped up happily.  How did he jump?  Happily.

6-4 Jingle Dancer

Title:  6-4  Jingle Dancer  by: Cynthia Leitich Smith

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Mark Pouley via Compfight

Summary:  A young Native American girl wants to dance at Powwow like many of her relatives have over the years, but cannot because her dress does not have jingles.    She goes from one family member and friend to another to find out a way to give her dress a voice without taking the voice from their dresses.  When she goes to the Powwow, she dances for all those who gave her dress a voice.

Spelling Words:  Contrast sounds:  /aw/ and /ow/.

Words:  tawny, tower, pause, pounding, shawl, shower, claw, clown, awe, owl.

Challenge Words:  applaud, awkward.

Vocabulary Words: 

Calves (n):  the back part of the lower legs.    Ached (v): to hurt with a dull, steady pain.  Pounding (v):  beating.  Pale (adj):  light in color.  Glimpse (n):  a quick view or look.   Shuffled (v):  to drag the feet while walking.   Slipped (v):  to put on.  Strolled (v):  to walk in a slow, relaxed way.

contractionsGrammar Concept:  I can identify when the subject and verb in a sentence agree.  I can understand the meanings of contractions.  Sentences that have a singular subject must have a verb that in also singular.   Incorrect:  Joshua are going to school.  Singular/ plural.   Correct:  Joshua is going to school.  Singular/ singular.    Contractions:  Can’t= can not   I’ll= I will  She’s= she is.

Dance 3

Dancers from Blackfoot schools 2013-14 school year (my cell phone).

6-3 Martin Luther King, Jr.

Title:  6-3  A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. 

by: David Adler

I have a dream that my four little children will one day ...
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: BK via Compfight

Summary:  In this biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. we explore the life of this historical human rights leader from the time he was a young man to his death.  We learn the reason behind his passion, his education, his speeches, and a few of important people to him, including Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, and Harriet Tubman.

Spelling Words:  3-letter consonant blends.

Words:  straw, split, scrape, stretch, splash, scream, sprawl, sprout, strange, scratch.

Challenge Words:  strength, spry, screen.

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Cajun Metal via Compfight

Vocabulary Words:

Demanding (v):  asking for forcefully.    Fair (adj):  not favoring one more than another.  Laws (n): rules made by a government.  Graduated (v):  to finish school.  Arrested (v): to be held by authority of the law.  Prejudice (n):  unfair treatment of a group of people.  Content (n):  what is in something.   Section (n): a part.

Grammar Concept:  I can use plural nouns correctly.  I can identify the proper comparative adjective to use in a sentence.  When using plural nouns, remember, most nouns just have an “-s” added, however, some have an “-es” added.  Other rules may apply, like changing a “y” to an “i” before adding the “-es” or “f” to a “v.”  When using comparative adjectives here is a hint:  -er (two letters) is on the end of the adjective when comparing two things.  –est (three letters) is on the end of adjectives when comparing three or more.  Me & my sister—two things.  My sister is taller than me.   Me, my sister, and my brother.  My little brother is the shortest of the kids.

6-2 New Hope

Title:  6-2  New Hope  by: Henri Sorensen

The Covered Wagon of the Great Western Migration
Photo Credit: Marion Doss via Compfight

Summary:  In this historical fiction story, we learn the history of a town called New Hope.  The town begins when a family is journeying across the country and their axel on their wagon breaks.  They notice that it would be a great place to settle.  As their hopes rise, more and more new people come to settle too and a new town starts.

Spelling Words:  Silent letters.

Words:  listen, castle, rustle, whistle, rhino, answer, doubt, island, would, could.

Challenge Words:  chaos.

Vocabulary Words: 

Brisk (adj):  quick and lively.    Doe (n):  a female deer.  Leather (n):  material made from animal skin.  Shed (n):  a small building used for storing things.  Recycling (v):  using throwaway items for another purpose.   Fabric (n):  cloth.  Citizens (n): a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.  Adopted (v): to take as one’s own.


click it

click it

Grammar Concept:  Review: I can make a complete sentence that starts with a capital and ends with a correct punctuation mark.   A sentence always starts with a capital and ends with either a period (imperative or declarative), question mark (interrogative), or exclamation point (exclamatory).  A complete sentence has a subject and predicate.   Incorrect:  when she went biking  (Incomplete, no capital, and no punctuation)   Correct:  She left the library an hour ago.  (Complete, capitalized, and period).

6-1 April and Her Family

Title:  6-1  April and her family  by: Susan Kuklin

The Opposites of Chinese characters
Photo Credit: Joseph Huang via Compfight

Summary:  This is a non-fiction story about a girl named April.  She tells of her family’s life in the U.S. as Chinese immigrants.    April attends Chinese school and Saturdays where she learns more about her heritage and culture.  She shares her experiences with the reader.

Spelling Words:  Contrast sounds with the long /o/ sound spelled ow and long /oo/ spelled oo, long /u/ spelled u and /o/.

Words:  flow, flower, cook, cube, tool, took, nook, noon, fume, loom.

Challenge Words:  moonbeam, mountain, mowing.

Vocabulary Words: 

To my dear friend Henny HR                 Compfightsesame truffles
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: elana’s pantry via Compfight
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Eduardo Amorim via Compfight      an  orchid    and some   sesame seeds

Explorer (n): a person who travels to a new place for the purpose of discovery.    Orchid (n):  a type of flower.  Chores (n):  small jobs around the house.  Discovered (v):  to be the first to find, learn of, or observe.  Sesame (n): a tropical Asian plan bearing small, flat seeds used as food and as a source of oil.  Popular (adj):  liked or accepted by many people.  Wiser(adj): smarter.


Common verses proper nouns.

Common verses proper nouns.

Grammar Concept:  Review: I can use nouns and verbs properly in sentences.  A common noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.  A proper noun names a particular or specific noun and must be capitalized.  A verb is the action in the sentence.   Bob rode his bike to school.

5-5 Brave as a Mountain Lion

Title:  5-5  Brave as a Mountain Lion  by: Jim Arnosky

in the shadows
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: ucumari / Valerie via Compfight

Summary:  This story beautifully summarizes all that we have learned in the camouflage unit.  The children get to review the animals that they have seen, check to see if they can find a few new ones, and discuss what they know.

Spelling Words:  Review lessons 4:1-4 (like a spelling bee– like Spider had in our story).

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: USAG Vicenza via Compfight

Words:  blue, rude, frown, cookie, plow, count, duty, cool, scout, books.

Challenge Words:  looser, snowplow.

Vocabulary Words: 

Reservation (n):  land where Native Americans can live.    Dreaded (v):  to be afraid of or anxious about something.  Qualified (v):  to be able to do a job or task.  Mysterious (adj):  making others curious or surprised.  Mountain lion (n):  a large wild cat that lives in the mountains.  Stomping (v):  walking heavily.  Inform (v):  to tell.

verb tensesGrammar Concept:  I can use different verb tenses to indicate when an action takes place: the past, present, or futureHints (but not all):  -ed is often added to verbs that are past tense.  –ing is often added to verbs that are present.    The word “will” is often added before verbs that are in the future.  I am dancing in the festival.  (present)   Jenny will sing in the choir next year.  (future)   My friend planted a flower for his mom.  (past)  

5-4 Akiak

Title:  5-4  Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod  by: Robert J. Blake

Mike Williams Jr. taking a leisurely pace through the woods
Photo Credit: Frank Kovalchek via Compfight

Summary:  The Iditarod is a grueling dog sled race run in Alaska each year.  This is a fictional story about a lead dog, Akiak, who shows bravery in order to help her driver Mick throughout the race.

Spelling Words:  Words with /oi/ sound spelled oi and oy.

Words:  join, spoil, annoy, choice, boys, voyage, coin, enjoy, boil, toy.

Challenge Words:  royal, appoint, moist.

Vocabulary Words: 

Rumble (n):  a heavy deep, rolling sound.    Rugged (adj): rough and uneven.  Snowdrift (n):  snow piled up by the wind.  Burrowed (v):  dug.  Squinted (v):  look with partially closed eyes.   Shift (v):   to change positions.   Snapped (v):  to move quickly and sharply.

adverbsGrammar Concept:  I can find and use adverbs in sentences.  Adverbs describe verbs and clarify the questions: how, when, and where.   The little girl walked slowly up the stairs.  How did she walk?  slowly.